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AI Lab

  • AI
  • GenerativeAI
  • ContentCreation
  • MarketingInnovation
  • FutureOfMarketing

Fullsix AI Lab is focused on transforming marketing and content creation using Generative AI.

The goal is to offer tailored solutions like creative content development, workflow audits, and hands-on training sessions.

By positioning ourselves between technology and brands, we continually explore new AI advancements, to provide fresh, innovative ideas that help brands stay one step ahead. What do we do? We specialize in auditing, training, and developing concepts.


We audit current marketing and communication value chain, from briefing to production and identify opportunities for AI integration. Our thorough analysis ensures processes are optimized, secure, and primed for future growth with Generative AI solutions.

We provide

  • System Analysis: Comprehensive review of current strategies.​
  • AI Integration: Identifying opportunities for incorporating AI.​
  • Workflow: Enhancing efficiency and streamlining processes.​
  • Content Deployment: Ensuring effective content delivery.​
  • Personalization: Leveraging AI to drive personalized content.​
  • Security and Growth: Prime processes for future growth.


We provide training through hands-on workshops, empowering clients with practical Generative AI knowledge and tools for enhanced productivity and creativity.

For Marketing Teams​

  • Introduction to Generative AI: Basics and marketing potential.​
  • Prompt Engineering: Basics, best practices, hands-on activity.​
  • Using AI Tools: ChatGPT functionalities, Custom GPTs, practical use cases.​
  • Workflow Integration: Optimizing tasks with AI.​
  • Limitations and Ethics: Mitigation strategies, ensuring ethical AI use.

For Creative Teams​

  • Introduction to Generative AI: Basics and potential in creative fields.​
  • Image, Video and Audio Generation: Better and faster content creation.​
  • How to create an Avatar: Customizing avatars that are indistinguishable from real people.​
  • Workflow Integration: Strategies for incorporating AI tools.​
  • Limitations and Ethics: Mitigation strategies and ethical considerations.


From concept to execution, we leverage AI to generate captivating content and unforgettable experiences, ensuring brands stand out.

Brand Experiences​

  • Engaging activations, whether digital or physical, crafted to deliver memorable interactions.
  • Using Generative AI, we provide unique experiences for your audience.​

Synthetic Personas​

  • We create virtual personas with a complete backstory that you can talk to and gather insights.​

AI Assistants​

  • These agents are trained to match a brand’s tone of voice and can be used in many ways, from customer support to research and content creation.

We want to transform the way you do marketing and content creation.

Let's talk

about your business.

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